The Google map you see above is a "LIVE" map. You can get directions to our office by clicking on the links within the Google map.



In the "White Balloon" you will see Address and Directions.

Directions: Click on the Directions link. A larger map will appear. Type in your address in the blank fields on the left side of the page. In a few moments, you will see the exact directions from your location to our office.

Print: You can click on the Print option to print the directions.

Drag Map

Also, you can place your mouse over the map, hold down your left mouse button and drag the map., release your left mouse button when you want to stop dragging or moving the map. This is a good way to see cities, streets, major roads and expressways that are located near our store.

Address Balloon:

If you closed the white ballon box that first appears over the map just "Refresh" the browser page OR press the F5 keyon the top row of your keyboard. Wait a few seconds and the white balloon with the intitial information will re-appear!

Once you have completed using the Google map, click the Back button on your browser to return to our website.

If you have any questions please call us, (248) 244-8470.